Mission Report

Bumper, Hasty, Froonk, Hagen, Hilke, Volker, Hubert, Juri, Thomas, Lars

"Viffer" - Honda - VFR750
Baujahr: 1994


Blue Knights Denmark I

: 01:00 - 0 km


Taarngade 14, 7600 Struer
GPS 56.6964, 8.200883
Klitvej 9 7680 Thyborøn
: 84268 km

1: 08:50 - 119 km

Selfi 2

Summerhouse, BKG31
GPS 55.628833, 8.13175
Risvej 36 6853 Vejers Strand
: 84463 km

2: 15:35 - 107 km

Selfi 3

Church, Silkeborg
GPS 56.1705, 9.551533
Torvej 10 8600 Silkeborg
: 84597 km

: 01:00 - 102 km

Selfi 4

: 84677 km

01:00 84268 km 0 km 0 km
1 08:50 84463 km 195 km 119 km
2 15:35 84597 km 134 km 107 km
01:00 84677 km 80 km 102 km
- 409 km 409 km 328 km

Heard about the idea on a Blue Knights meeting in Hamburg, and thought it was excellent! I then had the chance to ride it with BKG31 on their Season Starting Tour. Great ride, and great people!! Thank you :-)